Spanish Mustang: What a Versatile Horse!


By Jennifer Klitzke

What a versatile horse! I love my Spanish Mustang!  Indy is enthusiastic about everything he’s been faced with: trail riding, obstacles, jumping, dressage and all in the same week!


Our jumping is coming along. We will been entering our first hunter schooling show at North Run Farm in Delano, MN this coming weekend and showing a course of ground rails and 12-inch x-fences. Both can be ridden at a trot or controlled canter. I hope to ride the ground rail course at a canter and the x-fence course at a trot.



Spanish Mustang: Sunborn Schooling Show

My saintly husband Dan got the truck fixed just in the nick of time for me and my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend to make our way through the winding roads to the Sunborn Stable Schooling Dressage and Stadium Show in Chisago City, MN on Sunday, July 1, 2012. It was our second show and our first time showing Training Level, riding through a stadium course over ground rails and navigating through a trail obstacle course–english style.


Indy was intrigued with the hopping frogs and swimming tad poles in the pond.

I am so proud of my boy! Indy settled quickly into the new surroundings and rode through all classes exceeding my greatest hopes. He won Training Level, Test One with a score of 65.8%, won the stadium over ground rails, and won the trail obstacle course, and he placed second in Intro C with a score of 68.5%.


Indy rode cheerfully through Intro C and Training Level One despite the 95-degree heat and 70-percent humidity!

Several people stopped us to ask what kind of horse I was riding. Thinking I was to say “Fjord,” they were quite surprised to hear “Mustang.” Indy did a great job representing his breed!


Indy jumped his first flower boxes without batting an eye.

The people were friendly and the facility was top notch. Although we melted like popsicles, I’ve never had that much fun in 95-degree heat and 70% humidity!


Indy showing a working trot on a 20 meter circle