By Jennifer Klitzke
The weather was perfect beginning in the 60s and warming to 75 and sunny for the 2013 Fall Rocking R schooling show. Last month my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend (Indy) and I rode a three phase event over two days (three days if you included the course walk). The Rocking R three phase event would be accomplished in four hours (five hours if you counted the course walk). Granted this was only a schooling show, yet just as challenging.
Rocking R Farm’s course is easier in the way that there are no hills, but there were 15 spooky obstacles decorated with cob webs, spiders, pumpkins, and other Halloween decor to negotiate. Indy and I got quite the workout galloping and jumping non stop for five-and-a-half minutes. I was more tired than he was crossing the finish line, but we did it with no refusals and just 20 second over the optimal time which put us in second place out of seven horse/rider teams.
After cross country we had four hours before stadium jumping and dressage, enough time to enjoy listening to the Vikings actually win a football game! A scheduling mixup had us competing in two rings at the same time! I volunteered to go first in stadium jumping, and they moved my dressage ride to the end of the Training Level Test Three group which gave me 10 minutes between stadium jumping and dressage to switch saddles and warm up.
Indy reminded me that he would jump every fence as long as I could remember the course. He did his part and I let him down by forgetting one of the fences. I guess I was so excited that we cleared the new dragon double oxer that I forgot the zebra fence was next. In any case, we had a great ride even though we received a “no score.”
I think in all of the dressage tests I’ve ridden, this was Indy’s best. And I was thankful that I remembered the test! The judge provided helpful feedback on our score sheet such as slowing down Indy’s rhythm for better engagement. We placed fourth out of seven with a score of 61%.
We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our last show of the season. Indy reminded me to write this one down before I forgot. Thanks pal!
My Spanish Mustang at Rocking R photo gallery>
Video: Spanish Mustang: Cross Country
Video: Spanish Mustang: Stadium Jumping
Video: Spanish Mustang: Training Level Test Three