Spanish Mustang: North Run Spring Break


By Jennifer Klitzke

You know it is going to be a long winter when you long for Spring Break and it isn’t even winter yet!

Cold weather inspired me to take my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend (Indy) to North Run Farm. It has been far too long since our last jumping lesson with Len Danielson. Thanks to Len’s coaching and encouragement at Steepleview Schooling Days (June 2013), Indy and I gained the confidence to give cross country a try. And our first hunter schooling show experiences were also at North Run Farm. If you enjoy an organized, friendly, low key, and educational show experience, you’ve got to ride at a North Run Farm schooling dressage or hunter show.

In addition to being a seasoned event rider, Len is also a terrific hunter jumper instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed my lesson today. It felt like a Florida Spring Break riding in their heated indoor—sure beats wearing 80 lbs. of clothes to keep warm on a 10-degree day!


In this lesson, Indy and I began with many transitions between walk, trot, walk, halt, walk, trot, canter, trot, walk every half circle. Len was impressed with the quality of Indy’s gaits. His initial reaction to Indy is common with most. Looking at Indy in the cross ties, you see a big head, stocky square body and stubby legs. When Indy begins to move, everyone is pleasantly surprised.

Len coached me to a balanced trot without rushing or letting Indy pull the reins out of my hands. His strategy is to ride Indy from inside leg to an outside rein fixed on his wither and giving with the inside rein after gently asking for bend through the jaw. If Indy pulls down on the bridle, maintain the outside contact and drop the inside rein.


After Indy and I warmed up, we trotted over a ground rail, followed by trotting over two-20″ vertical flowerbox set up as a figure eight. Then we proceeded to cantering the same exercise. Between each set, we let Indy relax for a circle at a free walk on a long rein.


We ended our lesson with the addition of a 2’3″ vertical jump placed 25-feet from the last flowerbox. The goal was to reduce one or two strides between the fences by picking up the caner tempo.


Indy is a rock star! He is very sensible and careful. He doesn’t rush the jumps, balk at the jumps, or over jump. I love my boy!

Thank you beyond words to Len Danielson and North Run Farm for a wonderful learning experience and a reprieve from the artic blast.


Spanish Mustang: Improving Canter

my spanish mustang canter

While riding yesterday I remembered two tips I learned while riding at a Mary Wanless clinic for canter. Thing “back-back-back” as you ride the canter and also think of dribbling a basketball with your seat. When the horse in the air, think… of your seat as a suction cup with each stride to hold the horse there a little longer. Together, these tips are really helping Indy slow his canter and be more balance and engaged from behind.

Like a Sunrise in the Forest


By Jennifer Klitzke

My husband and I, my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend and Tennessee Walking Horse Makana were driving through miles and miles of gray rainy skies on our way to our last autumn trail ride of the year before the leaves fell off the trees. We nearly turned around and went home but figured a short trail ride in the rain would be better than none.


I am so glad we toughed it out. As soon as we arrived at Crow-Hassan Park Reserve, blue skies began to peak through the dingy gray clouds. The rain had only intensified the autumn color, and my husband and I enjoyed three hours riding through nature’s canvas.


The photo below doesn’t do justice for how vibrant the colors. It was like a sunrise in the forest.




Spanish Mustang: Three Phases in Five Hours


By Jennifer Klitzke

The weather was perfect beginning in the 60s and warming to 75 and sunny for the 2013 Fall Rocking R schooling show. Last month my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend (Indy) and I rode a three phase event over two days (three days if you included the course walk). The Rocking R three phase event would be accomplished in four hours (five hours if you counted the course walk). Granted this was only a schooling show, yet just as challenging.

Rocking R Farm’s course is easier in the way that there are no hills, but there were 15 spooky obstacles decorated with cob webs, spiders, pumpkins, and other Halloween decor to negotiate. Indy and I got quite the workout galloping and jumping non stop for five-and-a-half minutes. I was more tired than he was crossing the finish line, but we did it with no refusals and just 20 second over the optimal time which put us in second place out of seven horse/rider teams.

After cross country we had four hours before stadium jumping and dressage, enough time to enjoy listening to the Vikings actually win a football game! A scheduling mixup had us competing in two rings at the same time! I volunteered to go first in stadium jumping, and they moved  my dressage ride to the end of the Training Level Test Three group which gave me 10 minutes between stadium jumping and dressage to switch saddles and warm up.


Indy reminded me that he would jump every fence as long as I could remember the course. He did his part and I let him down by forgetting one of the fences. I guess I was so excited that we cleared the new dragon double oxer that I forgot the zebra fence was next. In any case, we had a great ride even though we received a “no score.”


I think in all of the dressage tests I’ve ridden, this was Indy’s best. And I was thankful that I remembered the test! The judge provided helpful feedback on our score sheet such as slowing down Indy’s rhythm for better engagement. We placed fourth out of seven with a score of 61%.

We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our last show of the season. Indy reminded me to write this one down before I forgot. Thanks pal!

 My Spanish Mustang at Rocking R photo gallery>

Video: Spanish Mustang: Cross Country

 Video: Spanish Mustang: Stadium Jumping 

Video: Spanish Mustang: Training Level Test Three

Spanish Mustang at Steepleview Horse Trials


By Jennifer Klitzke

Nearly 130 horses competed at the 2013 Steepleview Horse Trials held Labor Day weekend in Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice, and Training levels. Each of horse/rider team competed in three phases: Dressage, Cross Country and Stadium jumping.  This was Indian’s Legend (Indy), my Spanish Mustang’s first recognized show and my first three phase event.

Dressage was the first phase and boy-oh-boy was it hot! Ninety-three degrees with humidity. The judge graciously waved coats, but I toughed it out for the camera. Indy and I were in first place after the dressage phase.

Next we had an hour to change into our cross country attire and prepare for the second phase. The goal was to negotiate and jump twelve stationary obstacles along rolling hills, woods, and water in five-and-a-half minutes without double refusals or falling off. Indy hesitated the first obstacle but I nudged him on and he jumped it in slow motion. The next fence he refused and I prodded him over, then Indy exuberantly galloped down the hill. I just prayed to God that he didn’t stumble! Thankfully, God answered that prayer. We completed the course with two refusals, a time fault, and slipped into third place.

Stadium jumping was the final phase and held the next day. It was nearly 30 degrees cooler than the first day. The goal was to jump all fences clean and in order within the allotted time. Several of the two foot fences were double oxers. Indy jumped the course clean without refusals. We would have made time if I didn’t lose my stirrup, but we managed to maintain our third place standing. Not only that, but our team took second place in the team challenge. We came home with the most beautiful ribbons I have ever seen, winnings that paid most of the entry fees, a few more friends, and lifetime memories to replace lifetime dreams.


A huge “thank you” to Steepleview Farm for opening their scenic and well equipped facility, for instructor Len Danielson who gave us the coaching and encouragement to give cross country a try, for the hundreds of friendly people who participated and spectated the event, and for the show organizers and volunteers who made it possible. I will never forget this milestone for as long as I live.



Steepleview Horse Trial Photo gallery>

Spanish Mustang: Dressage Phase

Spanish Mustang: Cross Country Phase

Spanish Mustang: Stadium Phase

Spanish Mustang at a Gaited Horse Clinic?


By Jennifer Klitzke

What?! A non-gaited horse at a gaited horse clinic?

Well, kinda. I brought my gaited horse and my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend to a Larry Whitesell-Jennifer Bauer natural gaited horsemanship clinic. My gaited horse was there for the clinic and Indy was there to enjoy the exquisite trail system on the property. Indy participated in some of the clinic ground work exercises since my gaited horse has been to a few of these clinics already.