By Jennifer Klitzke
You know it is going to be a long winter when you long for Spring Break and it isn’t even winter yet!
Cold weather inspired me to take my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend (Indy) to North Run Farm. It has been far too long since our last jumping lesson with Len Danielson. Thanks to Len’s coaching and encouragement at Steepleview Schooling Days (June 2013), Indy and I gained the confidence to give cross country a try. And our first hunter schooling show experiences were also at North Run Farm. If you enjoy an organized, friendly, low key, and educational show experience, you’ve got to ride at a North Run Farm schooling dressage or hunter show.
In addition to being a seasoned event rider, Len is also a terrific hunter jumper instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed my lesson today. It felt like a Florida Spring Break riding in their heated indoor—sure beats wearing 80 lbs. of clothes to keep warm on a 10-degree day!
In this lesson, Indy and I began with many transitions between walk, trot, walk, halt, walk, trot, canter, trot, walk every half circle. Len was impressed with the quality of Indy’s gaits. His initial reaction to Indy is common with most. Looking at Indy in the cross ties, you see a big head, stocky square body and stubby legs. When Indy begins to move, everyone is pleasantly surprised.
Len coached me to a balanced trot without rushing or letting Indy pull the reins out of my hands. His strategy is to ride Indy from inside leg to an outside rein fixed on his wither and giving with the inside rein after gently asking for bend through the jaw. If Indy pulls down on the bridle, maintain the outside contact and drop the inside rein.
After Indy and I warmed up, we trotted over a ground rail, followed by trotting over two-20″ vertical flowerbox set up as a figure eight. Then we proceeded to cantering the same exercise. Between each set, we let Indy relax for a circle at a free walk on a long rein.
We ended our lesson with the addition of a 2’3″ vertical jump placed 25-feet from the last flowerbox. The goal was to reduce one or two strides between the fences by picking up the caner tempo.
Indy is a rock star! He is very sensible and careful. He doesn’t rush the jumps, balk at the jumps, or over jump. I love my boy!
Thank you beyond words to Len Danielson and North Run Farm for a wonderful learning experience and a reprieve from the artic blast.