Because I Love You More


By Jennifer Klitzke

I have always been passionate about the Spanish horse—anything with Iberian blood would do. Only I could never afford such a mount.

On a cold January 2012 morning, I was surfing and light buckskin dun Spanish Mustang named Indian’s Legend (Indy) showed up in the results.

When my eyes first saw him, my heart leapt.

No, I didn’t need another horse, I already had four, but there was something about him.

The owner loved Indy, no doubt. Yet a single mom, working full time, and a full-time student, she was trying to hold her passions together when reality set in. She knew it was time to let Indy go.

Drop-dead gorgeous and the closest thing to Lusitano I’d ever be able to afford, I had to have him.

It took some savvy negotiating to talk my husband into the idea of another horse. It was easy for me to justify. Two of our horses were approaching their thirties, one was a rescue horse strapped with heaves, the other was a non-aerobic gaited horse. Indy would be about the same cost as a gym membership and I’d enjoy him more.

Loading him into the trailer, Indy’s previous owner’s heart was breaking. Her love for him streamed from her eyes as we drove away.

It didn’t take long to realize that Indy was exceptionally intelligent, bold and curious. He needed lots of variety to keep him from getting bored. He wouldn’t be satisfied with miles of 20 meter circles in an arena.

Indy was game for anything we faced. In the last five years he has made many life-long dreams come true in my grandma age. We took up trail riding, which led to trail obstacle challenges, which led to endurance riding. Then we took up stadium jumping which led to cross country and dressage shows, which led to eventing. Then we tried cow sorting followed by becoming a demonstration horse/rider team at the Minnesota Horse Expo. We even rode in a Mary Wanless riding biomechanics clinic. She has been an author I have studied for decades through her books and videos.

In our five years together, Indy earned Spanish Mustang Performance Horse of the Year in 2012 and 2015, 2012 Spanish Mustang Conquistador of Performance Award, and we achieved 2,000 trail miles.

Mary Wanless Clinic (2012)
Lots of trail rides (2012-2016)


2016 Mosquito Run
Endurance riding (2012-2016)


Trail obstacles (2012-2016)


2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping Stadium
Stadium Jumping (2013-2015)


2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Water Obstacle
Steepleview Schooling Days (2013-2014)


2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Log
Cross country (2013-2015)


Dressage Shows (2012-2016)


Steepleview Horse Trials (2013-2014)


My Spanish Mustang cow clinic
Sorting cows (2013-2016)


2016 MN Horse Expo featuring the Spanish Mustang
Minnesota Horse Expo (2015-2016)


Spanish Mustang Western Dressage
Western dressage (2017)

Only, I faced a cross road when family crisis interrupted our adventures.

On October 2014, after a family intervention, my Dad was admitted into a Memory Care Unit with Alzheimer’s disease. He was a genius in his own time–only 75 years old. The disease robbed him of his brilliant mind. Mom suffered two strokes trying to take care of him at home. Dad was out of control and Mom was at the end of her rope.

I gave up many weekend of Indy time to be with my Dad and Mom during this crisis. Working full time and caring for my family meant that my intelligent and talented Spanish Mustang’s life was on hold. This weighed heavily on me.

Last summer was hard in many ways. I watched my Dad slip away, and I watched Indy grow bored and frustrated. He longed for the adventurous life we once had—going places every weekend to new experiences.

I squeezed in a couple arena rides each week, but that got boring. Then I added obstacles, cavelettis, and jumps for interest. It helped, but Indy missed the life we once had and so did I, but there wasn’t anything I could do about the crisis my family was in.

In January 2017, my Dad passed away. Even thought I am relieved that he is no longer anguished by that brain devouring disease, I miss him.

Now Mom needs more help that ever. Still working full time, my husband and I help her on weekends through life without Dad to downsize 54 years of memories into a manageable living situation.

I looked ahead at this year’s show schedule. Last year’s best intentions didn’t get us to any shows except for the two virtual shows I recorded from home. This year wasn’t going to be any different.

Going on two years in Indy’s prime of life, it just wasn’t right for me to horde him for myself.

In the last few years, Indy’s previous owner had graduated from college and married. We have kept in touch since I bought him, and she asked if I ever needed to part with Indy to let her know. I watched how much fun she and her family have had riding their Spanish Mustangs through mature forest around their home year round. It is the life Indy came from. A life he loved and a life I can’t offer him.

I contacted Indy’s previous owner and asked if she would be interested in buying him back. She was thrilled to be reunited with Indy as her very own again.

Saying “goodbye” to the Spanish Mustang who made my dreams come true felt like another death, but I love Indy more than to see him waste away in boredom because of my busy life. I have deep gratitude in my heart for the five years we shared. I want Indy to be happy and in his element.

Nothing brings me greater joy than to see Indy go back to his first home whose owner loves him like I do and for Indy to live the trail horse dream.

Loading Indy into the trailer, my heart broke. My love for him streamed from my eyes as the trailer drove away.

Because I love you more, Indy. Because I love you more.

Virtual Western Dressage

Spanish Mustang Western Dressage

By Jennifer Klitzke

My Dad has been terminally ill and in hospice care since last October, so I haven’t committed to traveling shows this year.

Thankfully, the North America Western Dressage Association has made a way for me to show from my own backyard. All I need to do is set up a dressage arena, have someone (oh, darling) record my ride, upload the video to, and sent the unlisted link to the North American Western Dressage Association within the time duration indicated for the Virtual Show. Within a week or so, I receive my dressage test with feedback from a trained professional as to where we are at in our training and my placement as to how we compare to others around the world who rode the very same test. How cool is THAT!

Video: My Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend in his first Western Dressage Test

This was Indy’s first Western Dressage Test. Although I feel like I’m dressed for a Halloween costume party, I am pleased with how Indy looks in his Western get up. I could be hooked on this Western dressage after all!

Riding the test, I liked how balanced Indy felt overall and how he reached down and out in the freewalk. The judge remarked. “Yeah, baby!!!”

Although Indy was busy in his mouth, he wasn’t heavy on the bridle or forehand; I think it was the bit. I usually ride him in a full-cheek snaffle and it isn’t legal for Western Dressage, so I switched to a bit he wasn’t used to.

The judge felt we rode the test well and with accuracy, balance and bend. Areas of improvement are for us to work on improving softness in the bridle. She felt Indy was impulsive and balanced in the jog and needs to work on more impulsion in the canter and softness in the transitions to halt.

I had to giggle when the judge remarked how much she loved my “Fjordie.” (Nothing against Fjords, it’s just that my Indy is a Spanish Mustang.)

first placeScore: 69.844% ( 1st of 3)




Photo Gallery: (Click to enlarge)

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year

Jennifer Klitzke and Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend at the 2014 Steepleview Horse Trials

By Jennifer Klitzke

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year and 1000 mileage patchAn unexpected surprise came in the mail the other day. My Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend was awarded 2014 Performance Horse of the Year with the Spanish Mustang Registry, and we earned our 1,000 mileage patch. Thinking back to 2014, Indy and I did a lot of cross country schooling shows which included dressage, stadium jumping and cross country, one recognized Horse Trial, a trail obstacle challenge, novice endurance ride, and lots of trail riding and training miles.

Here’s what Indy adventures contributed to the award:

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Reaching 1000 Miles

Reaching 1,000 miles in the saddle!

May 25, 2014
Three Ring Circus Schooling Show, Hugo, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Three Ring Circus Dressage

Dressage: Training Level Test 3: 1st of 13 entries with a score of 72.8%

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Three Ring Circus Hunter

Hunter over 2’3″ verticals: 5th of 8
Hunter over 20″ verticals: 4th of 4

June 29, 2014
Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Schooling Show, Ham Lake, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Pig Pond Classic Dressage

Dressage Test: 33.1% (66.9%)
2nd best score of 23 beginner starter novice entries

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Pig Pond Classic Stadium

Stadium (no faults)
2nd best score of 23 beginner starter novice entries

Cross Country (schooling only)

July 13, 2014
MNDRA Endurance Ride, Crow-Hassan Park Reserve

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Endurance

Novice Endurance, 6th of 15

July 20, 2014
Steepleview Schooling Days, Delano, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Bank

Jumping up and down banks

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Log

Jumping over solid obstacles

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Ditch

Jumping over ditches

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping a Water Obstacle

And jumping in and out of water complexes
(schooling only)

August 2, 2014
RNR Ranch Trail Challenge, St. Croix Falls, WI

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Trail Challenge

August 3, 2014
Rocking R Cross Country Schooling Show, Foley, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Rocking R Cross Country

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Rocking R Cross Country2

Starter Novice Cross Country: 4th of 6

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Rocking R Stadium

Hunter over 2’3″ verticals: 1st of 2
Hunter over 20″ verticals: 3rd of 4
Jumper over 2’3″ verticals: E

August 23-24, 2014
Steepleview Horse Trials, Delano, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Dressage

Starter Novice Dressage: 36.5% (63.5%), 1st of 11

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping Stadium

Stadium, 5th of 11

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Cross Country

Cross Country, E
Team Challenge, 2nd of 2

September 14, 2014
Gambler’s Choice, Duluth, MN

2014 SMR Performance Horse of the Year Indian's Legend Jumping Stadium at Gambler's Choice

Stadium 2’3” (schooling only)
Cross country over solid obstacles, ditches, and banks (schooling only)

My Spanish Mustang Indy has made this timid dressage rider’s dreams of riding cross country come true. I love my boy!



Indy at Wildfire

By Jennifer Klitzke

Beginning in 1988, I took regular dressage lessons under my first riding instructor for 12 years. She helped me train my Trakehner/Thoroughbred gelding through Second Level until he retired. Then my instructor sensed God’s call into Seminary where she became a Pastor, and my husband and I moved North and bought a hobby farm. My riding consisted of trail riding and hacking in the arena. I had no intentions of showing dressage again—that is until I bought my Spanish Mustang, Indian’s Legend in 2012.

I have made many connections with interesting people thanks to Indy. Last weekend, he reconnected me to my first riding instructor. She was between ministry opportunities and was asked to judge the schooling show I rode in. What an honor to ride for her again and to introduce her to Indy.

She loved Indy’s relaxed attitude yet forward and balanced gaits. And she LOVED his free walk and stretchy trot—noting that they were the best she had seen all day. Areas we need to improve include more lateral bending, more lengthening in the trot and canter, and more roundness in his frame, but she said we are on the right track.

Me and my first riding instructor, reconnected after 19 years.
Me and my first riding instructor, reconnected after 15 years.

It was so great to see her after 15 years! It’s hard to believe it has been that many years as it only seemed like yesterday.

Indy took home two blue ribbons and his best scores in First Level yet. In First Level Test One we received 66.3% out of three riders and in First Level Test Three we were the only entry and scored 65.5%.

Video: First Level Test One

Video: First Level Test Three


Making a Splash at Rocking R

Stadium jumping
Jumping the liverpool.

By Jennifer Klitzke

I’ve ridden at several of Rocking R Farm Schooling Shows and have wondered if a water obstacle would be added to their cross country course. Well, nature took care of that the night before and dumped three inches of rain on the show grounds. A good portion of the cross country course was ankle deep in water. Indy didn’t mind, though, he loves the water! Me, on the other hand, I should have thought ahead and packed a second pair of socks!

Nevertheless, the weather was beautiful and Indy and I had so much fun. The Starter Mixer was a combination of 11 stadium fences and 11 cross country obstacles up to two feet high and wide. This was our first cross country outing of the year and Indy boldly met each fence with exuberance. We placed second of three riders.

Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Jumping the lincoln log.
Jumping the lincoln log.
Jumping over the flower box.
Jumping over the flower box.
Jumping the culvert.
Jumping the culvert.
Jumping the lobster trap.
Jumping the lobster trap.
Cross country
Jumping the roll top.
Cross country
Jumping the tires.
Cross country
Jumping the shark’s tooth
Cross country
Jumping the lattice bench.
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping
Stadium jumping

Video: Starter Mixer—Eleven stadium jumps and eleven cross country obstacles. Plus a lot of unexpected water!

We met several friendly people including a couple who are fans of rare foundation breeds like the Spanish Mustang. They told us about a Spanish Mustang that is competing in Florida in the carriage circuit.

Sitting trot.
Sitting trot.

Due to the rain storm which flooded the outdoor arena, we were forced to ride First Level Test Three in the indoor arena which made our leg yield zig zag at a trot and canter counter canter serpentines more challenging since the arena was wider and shorter than a standard-sized dressage arena. We made the best of it. I was very pleased with our ride. The only goof we made was picking up the counter canter instead of the right lead canter. Yet Indy showed a terrific balanced counter canter on a 15-meter circle and one loop serpentine. Our score was 61.78%. We placed third of four riders.

Video: First Level Test Three

Thank you to Rocking R Farms for organizing another terrific schooling show! We’ll see you again next month! And thank you to my endearing husband for hanging out with me and recording my rides. I love you honey!

2015 Three Ring Circus

2015 Three Ring Circus

By Jennifer Klitzke

“Is that a Norwegian Fjord?” This questions pops up everywhere I take my Spanish Mustang. This time it led to an inspiring story…

The weatherman guaranteed rain and he was right. This was the third time showing my Spanish Mustang, Indian’s Legend, at the Three Ring Circus dressage and hunter/jumper show, and the first time showing in the rain. It wasn’t cold. It wasn’t a down pour, and it wasn’t windy. Plus it kept the bugs away and the arena dust-free, so it wasn’t that bad.

Normally we ride stadium and dressage at this wonderfully organized show, but I didn’t want Indy to take the risk of slipping on the wet grass, so we stuck to the two dressage tests we had pre-entered: First Level Tests One and Three.

I was extremely pleased with Indy’s ride through First Level Test One which felt improved over the last show. We received a score of 59.26% placing us sixth of nine.

Video: First Level Test One

We headed back to our trailer for a break and a gentleman approached us with THE QUESTION: “What kind of horse is that? Is that a Norwegian Fjord?” Giggling, I said, “No, he is a Spanish Mustang. But no worries, I get that a lot.”

Elated, he said, “A Spanish Mustang? Really?!” He couldn’t wait to tell me about the BLM horses he and his wife have adopted and trained. When he described their qualities: intelligent, friendly and trainable, I thought he was talking about Indy! In fact, one of his Mustangs was competing in the hunter classes by a teen who began riding at his place several years ago. Back then this young girl was very despondent, rather anti-social, and failing in school. Her concerned parents tried everything to help her. As a last resort the parents saw an ad for riding lessons. At first the young girl wasn’t that interested until she met “the Mustang.”

Over the course of a few months and many lessons the Mustang broke this nine-year-old out of her shell. Instead of failing classes, she became a straight A student and has made lots of friends. Years later, that’s the horse she continues to show—the Mustang who broke her. She calls him her first love.

The gentleman said that she has her own horse now, but still favors to compete with the Mustang. She doesn’t often win against the thoroughbreds and warmbloods, but it makes her work twice as hard, and when she places it means even more.

Delighted with our conversation, I retacked Indy for our next Test: First Level Test Three which consists of 10-meter trot circles, 15-meter canter circles, counter canter, trot and canter lengthenings, and a zig-zag leg yield at the trot. This was the first time we had shown this test.

Indy was a bit distracted watching a man walking around in blaze orange (which really stands out on a gray rainy day). Even though First Level Test Three felt less solid than our first test, we receive a score of 62.06%, placing third of four. Judges from both shows made comments to work on improving impulsion, bending, and developing the trot lengthening, so with a little more practice, we will enter a couple recognized dressage shows this summer to begin working on our USDF Bronze Medal.

Video: First Level Test Three

Sponsored by St. Croix Saddlery, the Three Ring Circus schooling dressage and hunter/jumper show is well organized with dozens of volunteers and hundreds of entries between the dressage and jumping rings. It is the largest schooling show in Minnesota which is held at Carriage House Farms in Hugo, Minnesota. The facility is top notch and the atmosphere is always low-key and friendly. Special thanks to everyone who made this show possible.

2015 Pig Pond Classic

051015 Pig Pond Classic dressage

By Jennifer Klitzke

Three weekends in a row of fun activities for me and my Spanish Mustang. This week Indy and I trailered to the Pig Pond Classic Schooling Show held at Birchbury Farm for dressage and stadium jumping.

051015 Pig Pond Classic 18 inch cross rails
Since this was our first course since last September, we began with 18″ cross rails.
051015 Pig Pond Classic 2 foot verticals
Next we jumped the 2 foot vertical course of nine jumps.
051015 Pig Pond Classic.Still010
And we finished with First Level Test One – our first time entering First Level.
051015 Pig Pond Classic.Still052
First Level introduces the trot lengthening.

We didn’t place in our jumping classes but took second place in First Level with a score of 61.111%. While checking in I was tapped on the shoulder by a Mom and her daughter who I had met two years ago at a schooling show. The mother rides a Spanish Mustang and her daughter rides a dun pony. I was thrilled to watch her winning ride over the two foot vertical course. It was a simply textbook ride—forward, confident, and well negotiated!

Since storms moved in just after the last dressage test was ridden, it cut the day short so we will have to take a rain check on schooling Birchbury’s elaborate cross country course.

Video: 18″ Hunter Course

Video: 2′ Hunter Course

Video: First Level Test One

Steepleview Horse Trials: The-Begin-Again-ers

Jennifer Klitzke and Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend at the 2014 Steepleview Horse Trials

By Jennifer Klitzke

The 2014 Steepleview Horse Trials came a week earlier than years past so that combined training events could be spaced apart better. However, the timing moved it to the same weekend of my husband’s annual golf tournament which meant he couldn’t be there to offer his support. So my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend and I were preparing to show solo—until I had a last minute idea.

A week before the event, I put the word out via the TCCTlist and formed a Starter Beginner Novice Team. Three people I hadn’t met before were game for the idea. We called ourselves “The-Begin-Again-ers.” It seemed appropriate since all of us were giving eventing a try after having pursued other horse-related interests. We had exchanged photos of each other and our horses to help us find each other among the 111 horses competing at Steepleview.

I arrived at the event and had coincidentally parked next to one of my team mates who also happened to be the horse/rider team competing just ahead of us in all three phases of dressage, cross country and stadium jumping. In fact, her friends and family kept me company, too. So I didn’t feel like I was showing solo at all.


Shortly after meeting Sarah, I met Harvey and Sasha. What a neat team ranging in ages from 27 to 60 and their horses: Two off-the-track thoroughbreds, a bay and a dapple gray, a roan appaloosa, and my pale-yellow, buckskin-dun Spanish Mustang. We were the most colorful team of the predominately bay horses competing that weekend.

Indy did very well in dressage which was the first of three phases. We were tied for first place in our division and had the second best score of 24 horses in the Starter Beginner Novice category.


Next was the cross-country phase. Indy was off to a great start. We jumped the first four obstacles perfectly and happily trotted through the water obstacle.


After clearing the water, Indy seemed confused. We had ridden the course three times from the other direction. It was like Indy was trying to tell me that we were going the wrong direction. So jumps five, six, seven and eight were a struggle. After the eighth jump Indy decided to take a right when I was preparing to take a left. That’s when I came off. Thankfully I didn’t get hurt, but we were eliminated from the competition. I was bummed.

While walking Indy back to the barn, one of the obstacle judges told me that I could ask to be added to the list of stadium jumping courtesy rides. Was I ever thankful that this man came out of the woodwork and offered this tip. A few hours later I was granted a courtesy ride. So even though we were out of the ribbons, I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to ride the stadium course.

While I was walking to the stadium course I heard a voice call out, “Hey, Mustang Lady!” I turned and recognized a woman I had met last year. I was so happy to have been re-acquainted with her again.

The kindness continued. The time arrived for stadium jumping. I was walking with Indy at my right side and carrying my video camera, tripod and mounting block in the other hand to set it up for our ride. Out of no where this kind woman asked, “Can I give you a hand?” and then she volunteered to record our ride!

Into the arena we went and over the ten-fence course with oxers. Indy jumped very well with no refusals. It was a great ending to the three-phase event, and our team took second place.


Each of us on The-Begin-Again-er’s team returned home with a beautiful second place ribbon. Every time I look at it, I remember the faces of the new friends I made and how they and the other kind people saved me from a lonely show experience. I was so blessed by the kindness of others that getting eliminated in cross country seemed to lose its sting.

Photo Gallery>

Thank you to Steepleview Farm for hosting the event, to the dozens of friendly volunteers who make this possible, to my team mates “The-Begin-Again-ers”, the kindness of strangers, and to D & G Photography who captured terrific lasting memories I will enjoy for years to come.

Making a Splash at the Pig Pond Classic

2014 Pig Pond Classic Dressage Warmup Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

By Jennifer Klitzke

My Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend and I traveled to Ham Lake for the 2014 Pig Pond Classic on June 29 for a three phase event: dressage, stadium jumping and cross country. We are still newbies at this so we entered the baby beginner novice division with 23 other horse/rider teams. The night before the event, the area received heavy rainfall and a few more water obstacles for us to navigate, even around the dressage arena. 

2014 Pig Pond Classic Dressage Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

Indy did great in dressage with a score of 66.88% and rode through the stadium course clean without time faults.

2014 Pig Pond Classic Stadium Jumping Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend  

Now onto the cross country course. Due to the heavy rains, they cross country phase was turned into a schooling opportunity since several areas were under water.

2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

Indy and I could pick which obstacles we wanted to ride through and visit the pig pond as many times as we wanted!

2014 Pig Pond Classic Making a Splash Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

Record June rainfalls weren’t responsible for this monster puddle, but likely add to it’s depth.

 2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Log Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

Indy loves to jump logs.

2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Log Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

And there were plenty of logs to jump!

2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Bank Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

We did some practice riding up and down the bank. I learned that it is important to let the reins slip through my fingers so that the horse can have its head for balance and for me to lean back.

2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Tires Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

This was Indy’s least favorite obstacle. It took three tries before he jumped it and it wasn’t pretty.

2014 Pig Pond Classic Cross Country Forest Jennifer Klitzke riding Spanish Mustang Indian's Legend

Now off to the enchanted forest where there were several logs tucked between the mature trees. What a beautiful place to ride!

Video: Dressage Test

Video: Stadium Jumping

Video: Cross Country 

Thank you to Birchbury Farm for organizing the event. We had a blast! My Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend and I received the second best score of 23 horse/rider teams in our division!



By Jennifer Klitzke

Bravo! is the best word to describe the Three Ring Circus hunter/jumper and dressage schooling show, our first show of the 2014 season.

It didn’t begin that way though. Last year there were 32 entries in our hunter cross rail classes and the two-foot hunter classes didn’t start until around noon, so I thought getting to the show grounds by 9AM would be in plenty of time. Well, it would have been if the turnout were the same. However, this year, there were two shows and two major clinics going on that day which lessened the number of entries by about a third. So me and my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend arrived to the show grounds as they were calling our hunter class!

I literally ran to check in, took a mental snapshot of the course layout, and hustled back to the trailer. David Ramsden the equine massage therapist and farrier who volunteered that day to help direct trailer parking, provided encouraging words to calm my anxiety as  I tacked up for our two-foot vertical hunter courses. Indy and I hopped over a couple schooling fences and headed to our first ride just in the nick of time! (Thank you David, you are a God send!)

The grass course was laid out with beautiful two-foot oxers and double oxers, Indy jumped clean with no refusals. He was evenly paced, found his spot, rounded nicely over the jumps, didn’t rush, get strong, or break his canter. He jumped like a champ. In one of his three classes he was on the correct canter lead throughout and even took a flying change when needed versus a simple change through trot. His form for most of the fences was as good as he gets.


I had to chuckle at the end of our best ride. I was so flabbergasted with the flying change that I gave Indy a really big pat, and he dropped from a canter into a walk, so we did our courtesy circle at a long and low walk!

This year, the show divided the ribbons between junior and senior riders. (Many more junior riders than grandma-aged folks like me!) We took fourth of four and fifth of eight in the judged classes. The third class was a non-judged warm up class. In any case, it was a personal best for Indy and I and rides I will never forget.

We headed back to the trailer for a little rest before our Training Level Three dressage test and took a short cut through the water obstacle. Indy LOVES the water!

Every where we go Indy draws attention. People remember us from years past and new people stop by to ask, “What breed is your horse?” I had great conversations with several people about the history of the Spanish Mustang and how intelligent, hardy, versatile, friendly, and athletic the breed is.

We had a couple hours to rest between hunter and dressage and enjoyed conversation with our Steepleview Horse Trial beginner novice team mate Karen who was parked nearby. We encouraged each other to try it again this year. It’s so fun to reconnect with people at these venues.

We tacked up and rode our best dressage test ever. Indy was soft, round, forward, balance, and responsive.

20 meter canter circles and a transition to trot at “X”.

Freewalk on a long rein.

20 meter trot circle allowing the horse to stretch.

Working trot.

Centerline, halt, salute.

Indy and I were in sync and on point through our Training Level Three Test. It felt amazing, and when the judge hopped out of the judging booth shouting, “bravo!” I knew we must have done pretty well! Indy and I placed first among 18 Training Level Three riders and received a 72.8%, the highest score of the day from this judge. Words cannot describe how proud I am of my boy! What a way to end a terrific day.


I love showing at Three Ring Circus sponsored by St. Croix Saddlery. It is well organized, the Carriage House Farm facility is top notch, the people are very friendly, and the last three years I’ve been showing at this venue the weather has been exceptional. Thank you to show organizers, the facility host, and for all who volunteer to make it possible. I appreciate all that you do for us!