By Jennifer Klitzke
I’ve ridden at several of Rocking R Farm Schooling Shows and have wondered if a water obstacle would be added to their cross country course. Well, nature took care of that the night before and dumped three inches of rain on the show grounds. A good portion of the cross country course was ankle deep in water. Indy didn’t mind, though, he loves the water! Me, on the other hand, I should have thought ahead and packed a second pair of socks!
Nevertheless, the weather was beautiful and Indy and I had so much fun. The Starter Mixer was a combination of 11 stadium fences and 11 cross country obstacles up to two feet high and wide. This was our first cross country outing of the year and Indy boldly met each fence with exuberance. We placed second of three riders.
Video: Starter Mixer—Eleven stadium jumps and eleven cross country obstacles. Plus a lot of unexpected water!
We met several friendly people including a couple who are fans of rare foundation breeds like the Spanish Mustang. They told us about a Spanish Mustang that is competing in Florida in the carriage circuit.
Due to the rain storm which flooded the outdoor arena, we were forced to ride First Level Test Three in the indoor arena which made our leg yield zig zag at a trot and canter counter canter serpentines more challenging since the arena was wider and shorter than a standard-sized dressage arena. We made the best of it. I was very pleased with our ride. The only goof we made was picking up the counter canter instead of the right lead canter. Yet Indy showed a terrific balanced counter canter on a 15-meter circle and one loop serpentine. Our score was 61.78%. We placed third of four riders.
Video: First Level Test Three
Thank you to Rocking R Farms for organizing another terrific schooling show! We’ll see you again next month! And thank you to my endearing husband for hanging out with me and recording my rides. I love you honey!