Spanish Mustang: Better than a Gym Membership


By Jennifer Klitzke

February’s dark and cold was getting the best of me, and respite came in the form of daily perusing of horses for sale on craigslist. My heart stopped when I saw him: Indian’s Legend, Spanish Mustang. He’s the American-born colt out of Indian Scout before she was exported to becoming Australia’s first Spanish Mustang. Indy would be the closest thing to owning my dream horse, an Andalusian. I HAD to see him. Only, how would I convince my husband that I needed just one more horse? After all we had four.

I had many great reasons for another horse: Nearing 50, I wasn’t getting any younger, and neither were our three senior horses. And poor Makana, my seven-year-old Walking horse. She needed a friend closer to her age. I needed to lose weight and monthly horse expenses would be equivalent to that of a gym membership, yet I’d enjoy riding far more than pumping iron and riding a stationary bike going nowhere. Not to forget the empty stall just waiting for him.

It took two weeks of prodding when my husband finally buckled to meet Indy and make the five-hour drive North to the coldest spot in the United States. Seeing Indy in person made me love him even more. We should have just brought the trailer with us to save another trip through the ice and snow!

Since February 2012, I have had more fun than ever in my 25 years of horse ownership. Indy is the most intelligent, friendly, bold, athletic and versatile horse I have ever met. Dressage has been enhanced with over fifty miles of trail riding at state and local parks, navigating trail obstacles, jumping stadium courses, and even chasing cows at a team penning practice! And that’s not all‒I’ve lost 20 pounds in the process!

Just for kicks I took Indy to six schooling shows last summer. We rode at Walker’s Triple R, Rocking R, North Run, Lakewood, and Sanborn schooling shows, and Indy was a standout at every one‒many times winning the class!

Up until owning Indy, I had never ridden through a hunter or stadium course, and we took first place in our first stadium course over ground rails, our first three-gait hunter equitation class, and our first nail-biting hunter course over two-feet-three-inches! Plus, we placed in all of our Intro and Training Level dressage tests with respectable scores as high as 69%.

Next show season, I’m planning on blending the dressage, trails, obstacles and jumping together by attending a combined training event. I will have to get fitted for one of those safety vests, but I better wait because I might just lose another 20 lbs. by then!


Spanish Mustang: What a Versatile Horse!


By Jennifer Klitzke

What a versatile horse! I love my Spanish Mustang!  Indy is enthusiastic about everything he’s been faced with: trail riding, obstacles, jumping, dressage and all in the same week!


Our jumping is coming along. We will been entering our first hunter schooling show at North Run Farm in Delano, MN this coming weekend and showing a course of ground rails and 12-inch x-fences. Both can be ridden at a trot or controlled canter. I hope to ride the ground rail course at a canter and the x-fence course at a trot.



Spanish Mustang: Dasco Duo Rides Wild River

The Dasco Duo, me and my co-worker, took our horses to Wild River State Park for a beautiful 8.4 mile ride through rolling meadows dotted with wild flowers and fluttering butterflies, along the St. Croix river, over bridges, and through mature woods accompanied by songbirds (and hordes of the Minnesota state bird-mosquitoes!).

Indy boldly blazes the trail.

It was fun to ride over two bridges my Dad had designed when he worked for the DNR.

We spotted two deer (or one deer we saw twice). Had we been close enough to label it we would have known for sure!

The Dasco Duo field testing the Brady BMP71 trail marking system.

Spanish Mustang: Indy’s First Commercial

By Jennifer Klitzke

Mid-life crisis hits Jennifer and Kristin, two middle-aged Dasco employees, and they both buy horses to relive their fond memories of decades gone by as trail guides.

Dasco employees Jennifer and Kristin head out for their first trail ride with their new boys.

It didn’t take long before their husbands began to complain about the growing expenses, so they brainstorm ways to make horses more affordable,”Hmmmm, what if we sport our Dasco shirts, maybe Ken (Dasco’s owner/CEO) will sponsor our horse events?”

“Yes, and let’s bring along Dasco Label’s portable Brady BMP21 label printer and create serialized labels to mark our trail!”

“Genius!” Kristin exclaims, “Yes, Brady’s durable and long-lasting thermal transfer labels will surely hold to the rocks along our path and remain affixed even in the hot sun, rain, and wind. Imagine how these labels will perform on your cables, wires, lab samples, parts, products and electronic components!”

Kristin’s addicted to Whiskey (her Arab/QH gelding).

After two glorious hours riding through a mature pine forest, Jennifer said, “Yes, we only got lost once, yet thanks to Dasco Label’s Brady BMP21 trail marking system, we found our way back to the trailer!”

Jennifer loves riding her 2006 Mustang (horse that is)! Sorry If you haven’t been acquainted with Kevin one of Dasco’s solution consultants, give him a call toll-free at 1-877-855-2235. Working with Kevin is a hoot!

Relieved, horses Whiskey and Indy thought, “Thanks to Dasco Label’s Brady BMP21 trail marking system, we could have been toting those horse-crazy ladies around all day!”

Buy yours today! The Brady BMP21 is even on sale through July 31, 2012.

Spanish Mustang: Indy’s New Home

By Jennifer Klitzke

It was love at first sight! The first time I saw Indy, I just had a feeling it was meant to be. Indy is beautiful, smart, sturdy, athletic, friendly and fun. He’s a five-year-old Spanish Mustang who has hundreds of trail miles under his belt with Stephanie, his previous owner. Indy was professionally trained by Gary Kuopala ( I’m looking forward to our adventures together with Indy.

Our first trail ride with Indy.

My husband and I picked up Indy and took him on his four-hour ride to his new home. He trailered calmly and quietly. Within his first week, he transitioned well with the new routine and made friends with the other horses. We’ve ridden Indy nearly every day since the first day we brought him to his new home. In his first week, Indy took two trail rides, worked and rode him in a round pen, over cavalettis, a small jump, and we also in the large arena.

Indy is getting used to a new language of dressage. We are riding him from the inside leg to the outside rein and keeping him between our aids. Indy is a smart boy and learns quickly. Our first week of riding, we have been working on turning, rhythm, and riding on a light snaffle contact. At times he leans on the bit, so I just lengthen my contact so there is nothing for him to lean against.

I love how round Indy’s frame is!