By Jennifer Klitzke
For decades it’s been a tradition to come to the Minnesota Horse Expo and soak in all things horses. This year instead of being a spectator, I took my Spanish Mustang Indian’s Legend (Indy) and joined the Spanish Mustang demonstration team Thursday-Sunday, April 23-26, 2015. We were one of the three horse/rider teams for the American Heritage Horse Association. Words cannot express how great of an experience it was for me (and I’m pretty sure Indy had a good time, too). His curiosity kept him entertained with all there was to see and do.

Not only are Spanish Mustangs a unique and rare breed, but they attract a unique and rare group of people: down to earth, kindhearted, and fun. My Spanish Mustang team mates were strangers to me on Thursday and quickly became good friends through the four days. Indy bonded quickly with the other horses and did terrific through the two exhibitions we rode each day.
Gwen was a last-minute substitute when one of the horses was unable to come. The owner of that horse was who I had bought Indy from and the Expo would have been the first time we would have seen each other since that snowy February day I brought Indy home in 2012. Although I was sad that it didn’t work out for her to be there, Gwen and her white Spanish Mustang mare Hota made for a wonderful team member.

After our Friday demonstration, we passed a mother with her two-year-old daughter who was carrying a white plastic pony that looked exactly like Hota. The spellbound little girl realized that her dream horse was walking right towards her!

Another fun memory was warming up with the Norwegian Fjords (another really nice group of horse people). Every event I bring Indy to, people ask if he is a Norwegian Fjord. Seeing him side-by-side with the Fjords, people were commenting, “I’ve never seen a long-haired Fjord before.”

Later that day when all of the Spanish Mustangs arrived, we took them to the outdoor practice arena and played on the trail obstacles before walking through our demonstration. Indy’s curiosity lead him over the teeter totter bridge and the raised platform again and again. Even the Expo videographer captured footage of his enthusiasm!

We met so many wonderful people at the Expo including a dressage judge and a seasoned fox hunter. Both were intrigued with the Spanish Mustangs. The dressage judge commented, “What an uncomplicated back this breed has.” And looking at Jetla he said, “I could take this one home with me!” Jetla certainly has the gaits for dressage! The fox hunter dressed in his formal red attire looked like someone who just walked out of a history book. He invited me and Indy to give fox hunting a try this season. I will definitely work this into our riding schedule.

Friday through Sunday we rode in the Parade of Breeds, on Friday and Saturday we performed a breed demonstration, and on Sunday the American Heritage Horse Spanish Mustangs lead the parade down main street. We had unseasonably sunny weather three out of the four days which made the Expo even more enjoyable.

When Indy and I got home I called my Mom and she said she saw us on the news. (Turns out it was one of the Norwegian Fjords!)
Video: 2015 MN Horse Expo AHHA Spanish Mustangs
Photo gallery: Spanish Mustang demonstration
Photo gallery: Spanish Mustang practice
Photo gallery: Spanish Mustang leading the parade
Photo gallery: Spanish Mustang with the Norwegian Fjords
Special thanks to the American Heritage Horse Association for sponsoring the Spanish Mustangs and to Jane and Wes of Zen Cowboys Spanish Mustangs for coordinating our booth.